Are you prepared for postpartum?

If you've spent hundreds of dollars and countless hours getting the nursery ready but haven't considered what YOU might need postpartum or what to even expect (aside from sleepless nights + spit-up), then this is for you. In this mini-course, you'll get:

  • An understanding of what actually happens during a vaginal and cesarean birth.

  • A list of what to pack in your hospital bag and what to have at home.

  • Strategies for how to REST, RECOVER, and RECONNECT in the first 6 weeks postpartum.

  • What to do if you experience leaks, prolapse, diastasis recti, painful sex, and other common postpartum issues.

Meet Your Instructor

Aliya Dhalla B.Sc (Psychology) MPT

Aliya Dhalla is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist with more than 13 years of experience. She has helped hundreds of women prepare for birth + recover postpartum through online workshops, virtual consults, and in-person appointments at her clinic in Toronto.

Course Curriculum

  1. Welcome to Prep for Postpartum!

  2. How To Prepare

  3. After Baby Is Born...

  4. Common Postpartum Experiences

  5. The 3 Rules for Postpartum Recovery

  6. Guidelines for Return to Activity

About this Mini-course

  • 2 hours of video content
  • self-paced
  • BONUS: a postpartum mobility routine and a cheat sheet to guide your postpartum recovery
  • Sign up for only $47 CAD / approx $34 USD

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Reviews Are In!

"I found you very knowledgable and engaging (not to mention, seem like you really cared about helping us!). The material was presented in an approachable way."

Are you ready to PREP FOR POSTPARTUM?