A workshop series designed to prepare you for pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

Starting Wednesday April 10th at 7:30pm (est), join 6 weekly live-on-zoom educational sessions to learn how to safely strengthen your core + pelvic floor during pregnancy, manage annoying pregnancy symptoms, prevent long-term issues, prepare for birth, and recover postpartum.

"The content taught by Aliya allowed me to better understand my body, my pregnancy, and what to expect for labour and post-partum. This has allowed me to feel more calm about what I'm experiencing and what is to come with delivery and afterwards."

L.M., Spring 2023

BEFORE BIRTH is for you if:

  • You are pregnant and due at the end of May 2024 or later.

  • You feel unprepared for your pregnancy journey - you've googled so much but still don't know where to start!

  • You're not sure how to exercise safely.

  • You are struggling with or scared of common pregnancy problems like back + pelvic pain, leaks, constipation and more.

  • You have no idea how to prepare + protect your pelvic floor for labour + delivery.

  • You want to learn how to prepare for your postpartum recovery before baby comes!

Starts Wednesday April 10th at 7:30pm (est)

with lifetime access to all replays + resources!

Meet your Instructor

Aliya Dhalla B.Sc (Psychology) MPT, Registered Physiotherapist

Aliya Dhalla is a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist with more than 13 years of experience. She has helped hundreds of women prepare for birth + recover postpartum through online workshops, virtual consults, and in-person appointments at her clinic in Toronto.

What to Expect from Before Birth:

  • Live-on-zoom sessions

    6 live-on-zoom educational sessions all about your pelvic floor during pregnancy, how to optimize your core + pelvic floor to support you as your body changes over 40 weeks, what to do to prepare your mind + body for birth, and what to do to have a great postpartum recovery.

  • Prenatal exercise routines

    You'll have access to prenatal mobility, core + pelvic floor, and strength routines to help you stay active and prepare your body for birth.

  • Additional Resources

    From labour prep mobility routine, a guided relaxation, mental health planning worksheets, fibre-filled recipes and more - you'll have lifetime access to plenty of helpful resources to help support you during your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience.

Course curriculum

  1. Welcome To Before Birth

  2. Session 1: A crash course in anatomy + your pelvic floor during pregnancy.

  3. Session 2: Connecting to your pelvic floor during pregnancy

  4. Session 3: Pelvic floor muscle training during pregnancy + prenatal exercise guidelinespter

  5. Session 4: How to manage common pregnancy experiences

  6. Session 5: Labour + delivery - how to push, positions to labour in, and pain control

Join the Spring 2024 Group!

  • $274 CAD / approx $204 USD
  • 6 live-on-zoom sessions
  • Bonus material include workouts + additional resources

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ BEFORE BIRTH is consistently rated 9/10 or higher by past participants!

"The way the workshop was structured was perfect. Information was conveyed in an easy to understand, logical flow. Aliya was engaging and charming throughout." - N.D.

If you're pregnant and tired of asking "Dr. Google" all your questions, BEFORE BIRTH is exactly what you need.

Get expert answers to all of your questions, meet others going through the same things, and feel less anxiety by understanding what's going on in your body. Join this round of BEFORE BIRTH to feel informed, empowered, comfortable and supported during your pregnancy.